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  1. 国家重点研发计划项目课题(2020YFC2200501):惯性传感器的扰动力分析和系统指标体系建立(主持;在研;课题经费382万元

  2. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题(2022YFC2204602):基于时间延迟干涉抑制激光频率噪声与时钟噪声的数据处理方法研究(主持;在研;课题经费115万元

  3. 加速度计在轨扰动力仿真与演示系统研制(主持;在研;项目经费100万元);

  4. 加速度计扰动力仿真系统(主持;在研;项目经费30万元

  5. 电磁信号监测及电磁数据识别软件开发(主持;在研;项目经费48.99万元

  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(11575160):高Q值石英丝扭秤检验弱等效原理实验中的噪声分析与微弱信号提取的方法研究(主持;结题);

  7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(11175160):角加速度测G实验中的噪声分析与数据处理方法研究(主持;结题)

  8. 国家“973”子项目(2010CB832801):万有引力常数G的精确测量(主持;结题)

  9. 湖北省重点基金项目(2013CFA045):微小地震对扭秤周期提取精度影响的研究(主持;结题)

  10. 湖北省基金面上项目(2010CDB04102):扭秤热噪声及相关因素对扭秤周期提取精度影响的研究(主持;结题)

  11. 国家自然科学基金仪器专项(10927505):角加速度法测量万有引力常数G的关键技术和实验装置研究(参与;结题)




    · 2020级博士研究生柯俊,发表SCI论文5篇,获博士研究生国家奖学金。

    · 2017级硕士研究生雷洋,发表SCI论文1篇。

    · 2017级硕士研究生董涛,发表SCI论文1篇。

    · 2016级硕士研究生沈良程,发表SCI论文1篇。

    · 2015级硕士研究生徐家豪,发表SCI论文2篇,获国家奖学金、校级优秀硕士论文。

    · 2014级硕士研究生巫伟皇,发表SCI论文4篇,获国家奖学金、校级优秀硕士论文。

    · 2014级硕士研究生占文泽,发表SCI论文2篇。

    · 2012级硕士研究生田苑,发表SCI论文3篇,获国家奖学金。


1. Jun Ke, Dong W C, Huang S H, Tan Y J, Tan W H, Yang S Q, Shao C G, and Jie Luo. Electrostatic effect due to patch potentials between closely spaced surfaces. Phys. Rev. D., 2023, 107: 065009 SCI检索】.

2. Zhao Y L, Tan Y J, Wu W H, Luo J, and Shao C G. Constraining the Symmetron Model with the HUST-2020 Torsion Pendulum Experiment. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2022, 129: 141101 SCI检索】.

3. Jun Ke, Jie Luo, Tan Y J, et al. Non-isothermal squeeze film damping in the test of gravitational inverse-square law[J]. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2022, 39(11): 115004 SCI检索】.

4. Wu H, Jun Ke, Wang P P, Jie Luo, et al. Arm locking using laser frequency comb[J]. Optics Express, 2022, 30(5): 8027-8048 SCI检索】.

5. Jun Ke, Jie Luo, Shao C G, et al., Combined Test of the Gravitational Inverse-Square Law at the Centimeter Range. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2021, 126: 211101 SCI检索】.

6. Jie Luo, Yang Lei, Cheng-gang Shao, Jian-ping Liu, Dong Li, Rui-qi Liu, and Qing Li. Scheme of G measurement with large amplitude torsion pendulum. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 2020 SCI检索】.

7. Jun Ke, Jie Luo, Yu-Jie Tan and Cheng-Gang Shao. Influence of the residual gas damping noise in the test of the gravitational inverse-square law. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2020 SCI检索】.

8. ie Luo, Jun Ke, Yi-Chuan Liu, Xiang-Li Zhang, Wei-Ming Yin, and Cheng-Gang Shao. Optimal estimation of the amplitude of signal with known frequency in the presence of thermal noise. Chin. Phys. B, 2019 SCI检索】.

9. Jie Luo, Tao Dong, Cheng-Gang Shao, Yu-Jie Tan, and Hui-Jie Zhang. Influence of the Earth’s rotation on measurement of gravitational constant G with the time-of-swing method. Chin. Phys. B, 2019 SCI检索】.

10. Jie Luo, Liang-Cheng Shen, Cheng-Gang Shao*, Qi Liu*, and Hui-Jie Zhang. Correlation method estimation of the modulation signal in the weak equivalence principle test. Chin. Phys. B, 2018 SCI检索】.

11. Wen-Ze Zhan, Jie Luo, Cheng-Gang Shao, Di Zheng, Wei-Ming Yin, and Dian-Hong Wang. Determination of the thermal noise limit in test of weak equivalence principle with a rotating torsion pendulum. Chin. Phys. B, 2017SCI检索】.

12. Jie Luo, Jia-Hao Xu, Qi Liu, Cheng-Gang Shao, Lin Zhu, Hui-Hui Zhao, and Wei-Huang Wu. An improved torque type gravity gradiometer with dynamic modulation. Acta Geod Geophys, 2017SCI检索】.

13. Jia-Hao Xu, Cheng-Gang Shao, Jie Luo, Qi Liu, Lin Zhu, and Hui-Hui Zhao. Effect of gravity gradient in weak equivalence principle test. Chin. Phys. B, 2017SCI检索】.

14. Wei-Huang Wu, Yuan Tian, Chao Xue, Jie Luo, Cheng-Gang Shao. Correction of cosine oscillation to the improved correlation method of estimating the amplitude of gravitational background signal. Chin. Phys. B, 2017SCI检索】.

15. Wei-Huang Wu, Yuan Tian, Jie Luo, Cheng-Gang Shao, Jia-Hao Xu, and Dian-Hong Wang. An improved correlation method for amplitude estimation of gravitational background signal with time-varying frequency. Rev Sci Instrum, 2016SCI检索】.

16. Jie Luo, Wen-Ze Zhan, Wei-Huang Wu, Cheng-Gang Shao, and Dian-Hong Wang. Influence of the colored noise on determining the period of a torsion pendulum. Chin. Phys. B, 2016SCI检索】.

17. Jie Luo, Wei-Huang Wu, Chao Xue, Cheng-Gang Shao, Wen-Ze Zhan, Jun-Fei Wu, and Vadim Milyukov. Influence of tungsten fiber’s slow drift on the measurement of G with angular acceleration method. Rev Sci Instrum, 2016SCI检索】.

18. Jie Luo, Yuan Tian, Dian-Hong Wang, Cheng-Gang Qin, Cheng-Gang Shao. Measurement of the PPN parameter γ by testing the geometry of near-Earth space. Gen Relativ Gravit, 2016SCI检索】.

19. Jie Luo, Wei-Huang Wu, Cheng-Gang Shao, Qing-Li, Jian-Ping Liu, Wen-Ze Zhan and Dian-Hong Wang. Influence of temperature on period of torsion pendulum with a high-Q fused silica fiber. Rev Sci Instrum, 2015SCI检索】.

20. Luo Jie, Tian Yuan, Shao Cheng-Gang, and Wang Dian-Hong. Influence of the environmental noise on determining the period of a torsion pendulum. Chin. Phys. B, 2015SCI检索】.

21. Jie Luo, Yuan Tian, Dian-Hong Wang and Cheng-Gang Shao. Uncertainty due to quantization error in measurement of Newton’s constant with the angular acceleration method. Meas. Sci. Technol, 2014SCI检索】.

22. Jie Luo, Cheng-Gang Shao, Yuan Tian and Dian-Hong Wang. Thermal noise limit in measuring the gravitational constant G using the angular acceleration method and the dynamic deflection method. Phys Lett A, 2013SCI检索】.

23. Luo Jie, Shao Cheng-Gang, Wang Dian-Hong, Tian Yuan. Influence of the Earth's rotation on the measurement of Newton's constant G with angular acceleration method. Chin Phys Lett, 2012SCI检索】.

24. Jie Luo, Cheng-Gang Shao and Dian-Hong Wang. Thermal noise limit on the period of a torsion pendulum. Class. Quantum Grav, 2009SCI检索】.

25. Jie Luo, Dian-Hong Wang. An improved correlation method for determining the period of a torsion pendulum. Rev Sci Instrum, 2008SCI检索】.

26. Dian-Hong Wang, Jie Luo, Kai Luo. Precise determination of the amplitude of signal with known frequency based on correlated noise model. Rev Sci Instrum, 2006SCI检索】.

27. Luo Jie, Wang Dian Hong, Liu Qi , Shao Cheng Gang. Precise determination of the period of a torsion pendulum in measurement of gravitational constant G. Chin Phys Lett, 2005 SCI检索】.